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Grant Funding Opportunities

​​​​​​​​​RMS Safety Grants​

Participants of the Workers' Compensation and 财产 & 伤亡 programs are eligible to participate in this grant program whereby the League will help pay the cost of resources intended to reduce injuries and liability claims. Members must work with their Risk Control Consultant before submitting a safety grant application.  Read the Grant Guidelines​.​

Apply for an RMS Safety Grant here​.

Please contact your risk control staff to begin your grant application

Western:             Amy Whisnant: 828-231-0276

Southern:           Darius Chisholm: 704-491-9493

Eastern:​              Matt Reid: 919-404-1857​

To view our Risk Management Field 咨询 map, click he​re​​​.​​​

Soft-Body Armor Grants

Participants of the Workers' Compensation program are eligible to participate in this grant program whereby the League will help pay the cost of providing body armor for police officers.  The workers compensation program will pay 50% of the cost, up to $250 for qualified purchases. League members may apply for a Soft-Body Armor grant​ 在线.  ​

​Please contact our Public Safety Risk Management Consultant Joseph Graziano at or Tom Anderson at

​Wellness Grants

The 健康 Benefit Trust under the direction of the RMS Board sets aside funding for Wellness Grants each fiscal year. Groups that participate in our medical program are eligible to apply for these dollars to assist them with health fairs, wellness programs, educational classes, fitness activities, fitness equipment, nutritional programs, 等. for their employees. Groups can apply per event without having to plan their entire year of activities and are allowed more than one event per fiscal year. View the 2023-2024 guidelines​​​​​. 成员可能 apply for a We​​​llness grant 在线. 


The 健康 Benefits Trust provides funding to support participants in the development or enhancement of worksite and Employee Assistance Programs. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides FREE, confidential, short-term counseling to troubled employees and their family members experiencing personal difficulties. Funding is limited and is available on a first-respond, first-approved basis. Payment is based on the number of fulltime employees covered by the 健康 Benefits Trust. HBT members may apply for an EAP grant 在线.